Oxford BioDynamics PLC

Commercializing EpiSwitch® 3D gene regulation for precision medicine

Oxford Biodynamics' portfolio of clinical smart tests based on EpiSwitch® technology aims to help people face the most challenging health decisions with confidence and tackle the rising costs of healthcare.

What sets us apart

Detect prostate cancer likelihood from blood with 94% accuracy

An effective prostate cancer detection test that identifies an individual’s current likelihood of prostate cancer from blood. PSE is administered alongside or following a standard PSA test to significantly boost detection performance and reduce the number of men referred for unnecessary biopsies and treatments.

This powerful test is valuable for identifying individuals requiring biopsy and those suitable for active surveillance without further testing.

Learn more about EpiSwitch PSE

A leap forward in treating cancer

A first-of-its-kind blood test to provide guidance on navigating the toughest challenges associated with use of an essential, widely-used class of cancer therapies: Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors.

Now every patient can benefit from the world’s first test to assess the probability of therapeutic success of checkpoint inhibitor therapy with high accuracy.

Learn More about EpiSwitch CiRT

Vast, previously untapped data critical for health unlocked by the EpiSwitch platform

Enabling 3D genomics for precision medicine at scale

The EpiSwitch platform is uniquely capable of reproducibly translating 3D genome regulation for clinical application.

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